Saturday, June 27, 2009

Helen Keller Day

Many people in the world are disabled and for a long time I wasn't ready for people to know that I was disabled . I have been working with these wonderful people here at Style Enabled Modeling Agency , its been such a wonderful experience as I have been empowered to begin talking about my disability and have found other ways to help people here in SL .

I want to personally thank the following designers and people who helped with this fashion show: Lemania Indigo, Simone Stern, swaffette Firefly, Ross Myhre, Alyssa Bijoux, Amutey DeCuir, Wiccan Sojourner, dana Vanmoer, Roland Zepp, Amethyst Starostin, Sasy Scarborough.

Please come join us today at 3pm slt to see just how empowered people can get by the amazing things you can do in Second Life.

People with disabilities make up approximately 20 percent of the SL population. For many people with disabilities, SL is about as “barrier-free” an environment as it gets - People who cannot walk in real life can fly and teleport here in SL. Some, however, are not as fortunate: Deaf and hearing impaired people can be unwittingly excluded from voice chats, and people who are blind or visually impaired still face massive challenges in being able to use the highly visual 3D environment at all – Which is why Helen Keller Day is coming to Second Life, Saturday, June 27th. It’s a day that is set aside for 24 solid hours of information, education, exploration of employment opportunities, arts and entertainment, and social engagement, at the four The Ye, Olde, Supporte, Faire islands. There will be vendors, employers, presentations, and mainly… fun.

Find us here the event runs for 24 hours ...

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