Monday, February 4, 2008

As time goes by.......

I was just sitting here realizing that time is flying by and before we know it the Clothing Fair is going to be upon us. There is still lots of things to do but I know each and every one of the designers are working hard to get their new designs ready .

Pips is working hard getting everything together for the sim right now ... We are trying to get the word out to everyone on the grid about the fair and its great to be walking around and seeing the posters going up little by little. I can not believe the over whelming support we have be given for this fair. Entertainers, Dj's, designers, support people ... all asking what can I do to help. When you come together as a team for a cause as great as Relay for Life, you see just how much can be done in a short amount of time. Thanks Everyone ....

Here are a couple more wonderful designers who will be featured at the fair:

PERSONA: Owner- Myllie Writer
Women's fashion store: casual, classy, everyday, dressy, business, feminine, elegant.

~silentsparrow~ Owner - hyasynth tiramisu

Silent Sparrow presents an eclectic mix of Gothic and Neo-Victorian apparel, often straying into vintage and historically inspired designs. Influenced by the dark and often by the whimsical, as well, with a strong love of rich brocades and unexpected colors. We specialize in suits for the dapper gent or the androgynous lady. Always illustrated by hand and overflowing with almost obsessive details.

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